INTERN – Singing
Pre-baccalaureate Course .
A program for those who do not yet possess the pre-requisites necessary for an Undergraduate University Degree Program or a Master Program.
The length of the program varies, according to the individual needs of each student.
Along with singing lessons, music theory, ear-training, harmony analysis, music history and choral music are requirements of the curriculum. More informations.
Three-year Undergraduate Degree
Along with the study of the vocal repertoire (operatic, symphonic, sacred and chamber music) and its relative techniques, courses in ear-training, analysis of musical forms, music history, accompanying, score interpretation, choral repertoire, musical drama, ensemble music, acting, history of the theater, acoustics, computer techniques, and one foreign European language are part of the curriculum. More information.
Two-year Master Degree
Along with the study of vocal technique and repertoire, each year students are required to choose two courses from: piano accompanying, acting, ensemble and chamber music, and conducting techniques. Two more courses may be chosen each year from: Gregorian Chant, organ techniques, music management, show business law and legislation, music drama, computer programming language for music, and contemporary music studies. The student may also participate in one or two laboratories chosen from: improvisation and composition, piano, speech and hearing science, phonetics (German, French, Spanish or Italian), opera workshop, ornamentation, musical stage direction, computer programming language for music, and music library studies. More information.
One-year Non-academic Course
Along with the study of vocal technique and repertoire, students are free to attend all courses and labs offered in the Degree Programs. They will not participate in exams, but will be awarded a Certificate of Participation. More information.
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